Dancing For Birth™ presents  

The Birth Bundle



Your Guide to a Feel-Good Pregnancy and an Easier Birth 

We understand that preparing for childbirth is a journey like no other!

Our carefully curated bundle is designed to equip you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to approach labor with confidence, ease, and joy.


Inside the Birth Bundle You'll Get:

3 Simple DFB™ Moves to Do Daily

Our Birth Bundle features simple yet effective Dancing For Birth™ moves. Devote just seven minutes a day to increase your pelvic mobility, help baby achieve an optimal position, and boost your happy hormones.

Birth Preparation Printables

Get organized and feel confident, using our birth prep printables, like our Essential Birth Bag Checklist, Easy 5-Step Checklist for a Blissful Birth, and Partners Quick Guide to Pregnancy and Birth.

Video Tutorials For Easier Birth

Enjoy short, impactful birth lessons from renowned birth expert, Stephanie Larson,  founder of Dancing For Birth™, such as, How to Give Birth Whenever, Wherever, Even if You're Alone.

Birth Bundle


ONLY: $5.99 

Monthly, no commitments, cancel anytime


Inside the Birth Bundle You'll Get:

Intro to Dancing For Birth

The Dancing For Birth™ Childbirth Method, and Parent Class have taken the world by storm and forever changed how babies are born, with the power of movement during pregnancy and labor.

Birth Affirmations

Get uplifting quotes, inspiration, and affirmations for pregnancy and childbirth.  Build trust in yourself and foster a positive mindset as you embrace the transformative journey of pregnancy and birth. 

Ask Stephanie

Don't let what you don't know about birth cause you stress. Get your questions answered by the woman who has taught parents and birth professionals in over 50 countries, and replace your anxiety with excitement and confidence.

About the Author


Stephanie Larson is a leading world expert on birth and supporting birth through movement and instinct. She is the Founder and Master Trainer of Dancing For Birth™, an experienced birth doula, and a childbirth educator. Stephanie calls for an end to forced lithotomy position, and for a worldwide shift to primal, powerful, euphoric birth. She 'danced out' her four babies in birth center, hospital, and home births.

Birth Bundle


ONLY: $5.99 

Monthly, no commitments, cancel anytime

Included in the Birth Bundle

  • 3 Simple Dancing For Birth™ Moves to do Daily

  • Birth Preparation Printables

  • Video Tutorials For Easier Birth
  • Intro to Dancing For Birth™ 

  • Birth Affirmations

  • Q & A with Birth Expert, Stephanie Larson

  • A Dedicated Online Portal

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