Dancing For Birth™ Birth Method
A Better Way to Birth
The birth industry has functioned for far too long on the false premise that the ideal birth position is back-lying in bed. When you're on your back, it compresses your pelvis, reducing baby's space. Birthing on your back causes unnecessary pain and strain, yet in many hospitals, you're expected or even forced to give birth this way.
With the Dancing For Birth™ childbirth method, you use gravity and the biomechanics of your body to dance your baby out with bliss and ease. You give birth deeply connected to your body, your birth instincts, and your baby. You move around your birth space freely, never get in bed unless you want to, and are empowered to catch your own baby if you desire.
When you're dancing, your pelvic outlet can open as much as double! This helps avoid failure to progress, shoulder dystocia, and c-section. Dancing during labor is scientifically proven to reduce labor pain, increase birth satisfaction, and reduce the risk of baby needing neonatal intensive care.

20+ Year History of Efficacy
The Dancing For Birth™ childbirth method is an evidence-based childbirth method based on our principles of movement, gravity, and instinct. It has been used to facilitate easier births in homes, hospitals, and birth centers all over the world. It is utilized and recommended by Doulas, Midwives, Nurses, Childbirth Educators, Doctors, and Parents.
It was created by Dancing For Birth™ Founder, Stephanie Larson. Coming from outside the birth industry, Stephanie was able to see birth in a dramatically different way. She has turned the birth world 'upside down' by starting a worldwide movement to turn birth 'right side up'. She's now a mom of four, Dancing For Birth's Master Trainer, an experienced birth doula and childbirth educator, and was named USA’s National Birth Hero.
DFB™ Childbirth Method: Our Three Principles