98% of pregnant women had less fear of giving birth after attending Dancing For Birth class.
99% of women who were upright and mobile during birth said they would make the same choice again.
Dancing during birth increases birth satisfaction.
Dancing during birth decreases labor pain.
Birthing women had a 56% lower average cesarean rate after attending Dancing For Birth class.
Being upright during labor and birth increases the available space within the pelvis by up to 30%.
92% of new moms said their birth was easier because of Dancing For Birth class.
Being upright and mobile during birth resulted in:
• Shorter Labors (by more than an hour)
• 20% Fewer Epidurals
• 21% Fewer Episiotomies
• 23% Fewer Assisted deliveries (forceps, vacuum)
Women who use movement in labor report that it is an effective method of relieving pain.
77% of Dancing For Birth class participants had a natural birth without an epidural.
52% of pregnant women had a euphoric birth after attending Dancing For Birth class.