Don't have a Dancing For Birth™ class in your area, or prefer to attend from home? Check out our Virtual Classes
You may have been redirected to this page because no instructors are currently available in your area. Find a virtual class below or consider becoming a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor and bringing Dancing For Birth™ Prenatal/Postpartum class to your community
Find a Virtual Dancing For Birth™ Class
Dancing For Birth™ virtual classes are live online and interactive. They are taught in many languages. This Dancing For Birth™ class locator list is provided solely for those seeking to attend Dancing For Birth™ classes, and for facilities seeking a Certified Instructor to teach Dancing For Birth™ classes. The use of this information for any other purpose, including soliciting and advertising is not allowed. Please direct general inquiries to Dancing For Birth™.
Katerina Kandylaki, DFB
Katerina Kandylaki is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Fridays at 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM (CET).
Language: English and Greek
Format: Live on Zoom
Details and Registration: [email protected]
Contact Katerina at: 306971852859
Learn to give birth with ease and bliss! Come solo or with a partner. Practice for labor, and learn all about birth, including how to awaken your birth instincts for a shorter, easier and more satisfying birth. Dancing For Birth™ class is your total class for birth-readiness.

Michelle Chirby, DFB
Michelle Chirby is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Providence, RI, USA.
Wednesdays 5 PM ET (60 minutes)
English language.
Via Zoom
Details and Registration:
Contact Michelle: 510.519.4809 [email protected]
You’re staying healthy for two now. Prenatal fitness is a big component of
Dancing For Birth™class. Healthy pregnant individuals need regular exercise during all three trimesters. Come get specialized prenatal fitness created by a birth professional, and prepare for an effective and empowered birth.
Sarah Jean Chojnacki, DFB
Sarah Jean Chojnacki is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Starting September 19, 2022. Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:00am - 10:00 am. (CT)
Location: Virtual
Language: English
Format: Zoom and Facebook Live
Details and Registration:
Contact: Sarah Jean at [email protected].
In a recent survey, 98% of Dancing For Birth™ participants said it reduced their fear of giving birth. Fear leads to the fear-tension-pain syndrome, so by reducing fear, you reduce pain and invite pleasure and bliss into birth.

Kristina Collier, DFB
Kristina Collier is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Warsaw, IN, USA.
Thursdays 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST (60 min duration)
Language: English
Format: Virtual Online
Details and Registration:
Contact Kristina: 574-267-7055, [email protected], and
You’re staying healthy for two now. Prenatal fitness is a big component of Dancing For Birth™class. Healthy pregnant individuals need regular exercise during all three trimesters. Come get specialized prenatal fitness created by a birth professional, and prepare for an effective and empowered birth.
Amina Condel, DFB
Amina Condel is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Bellevue, Washington, USA.
In-Person & Virtual Classes - Please contact Amina for further class dates and details.
Format: Virtual via Zoom
Language: English
Details and Registration: [email protected] or call/text 425-590-7113
Contact Amina: [email protected] or call/text 425-590-7113
Dancing For Birth™ class is your trifecta of birth preparation. It’s feel-good prenatal fitness, childbirth education, and celebration of pregnancy, birth, and parenting, all rolled into one amazing class that supports you from pre-conception through postpartum and beyond.

Elizabeth Golden, DFB, DFBT
Elizabeth Golden is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor and Trainer in Nehalem, Oregon USA.
Mondays 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM PST for 60 mins
Location: Virtual
Language: English
Format: Via Zoom
Details and Registration:
Contact: Elizabeth at 971-977-0166 and [email protected]
You’re staying healthy for two now. Prenatal fitness is a big component of Dancing For Birth™class. Healthy pregnant individuals need regular exercise during all three trimesters. Come get specialized prenatal fitness created by a birth professional, and prepare for an effective and empowered birth.
Naida Halligan, DFB
Nadia Halligan is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Orlando, Florida USA.
Class is held every second and third Thursday of each month 6:30 to 8 pm. (90 Minutes) EST in English and Spanish.
Via Zoom Link.
Details and Registration:
Contact Nadia:
[email protected]
Dancing For Birth™ is changing the way people give birth worldwide with our evidence-based birth method based on gravity, movement and instinct. It’s scientifically proven to decrease labor pain, improve birth satisfaction and improve baby’s wellbeing at birth.

Amanda Hunter, DFB
Amanda Hunter, is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Burntisland, Fife, UK.
Mondays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM GMT ( 60 min duration)
Class Details: Virtual
Language: English
Format: Via Zoom
Details and Registration:
Contact: Amanda at [email protected] or on 07981891331
Learn to give birth with ease and bliss! Come solo or with a partner. Practice for labor, and learn all about birth, including how to awaken your birth instincts for a shorter, easier and more satisfying birth. Dancing For Birth™class is your total class for birth-readiness.

Hope Hutsell, DFB
Hope Hutsell is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ in Belfair, Washington USA.
Individual Sessions by Appointment suitable for your time zone.
Language: English
Via Zoom Link
Details and Registration: email [email protected] to connect and get dancing
Contact Phaedra: [email protected]
How will you make your pregnancy, birth and postpartum meaningful and special to you? In Dancing For Birth™ class, explore your heritage and culture and be inspired by those of other participants as we reclaim birth as a sacred rite of passage in modern times.
Marise Hyman, DFB
Marise Hyman is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Helmsange, Luxembourg, Europe.
In-Person Class on Tuesdays 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CET ( 60 Minutes )
Private sessions arranged subject to availability: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays between 8:00 AM - 5:00 pm CET
Language: English
In-Person and Live via Zoom
Details and Registration:
Contact Marise: [email protected],
Dancing For Birth™ class is your ‘trifecta’ of birth preparation. It’s feel-good prenatal fitness, childbirth education, and celebration of pregnancy, birth, and parenting, all rolled into one amazing class that supports you from pre-conception through postpartum and beyond.

Ashley Lesser, DFB
Ashley Lesser is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Urbandale, Iowa, USA
Virtual Classes
Saturdays and Sundays at 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. (90 minutes) Classes starting April 2025.
Language: English
Format: In-Person
Details and Registration: [email protected]
Contact Ashley: [email protected]
In a recent survey, 98% of Dancing For Birth™ participants said it reduced their fear of giving birth. Fear leads to the fear-tension-pain syndrome, so by reducing fear, you reduce pain and invite pleasure and bliss into birth.
Sara Löhe, DFB
Sara Löhe ist zertifizierte Dancing For Birth™ Instruktorin in Trossingen, Baden Württemberg, Deutschland
Jeden Dienstag um 10:00 - 11:15 Uhr (Dauer 75 Minuten)
Sprache: Deutsch
Format: Live über Zoom
Details und Anmeldung: +49 170 5353042 - [email protected]
Kontakt Sara: [email protected]
Der Dancing For Birth™-Kurs ist Ihre „Trifecta“ der Geburtsvorbereitung. Es ist vorgeburtliche Fitness zum Wohlfühlen, Geburtsvorbereitung und das Feiern von Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Elternschaft, alles in einem erstaunlichen Kurs, der Sie von der Vorempfängnis bis nach der Geburt und darüber hinaus unterstützt.

Mary MacNeil-MacDonald, DFB
Mary MacNeil-MacDonald is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ in Pory Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia Canada
Every Saturday and Sunday (morning and evening)
Language: English
Via Zoom link.
Details and Registration: [email protected] or 902-623-0569
Contact Elizabeth: [email protected] or 902-623-0569
Learn to give birth with ease and bliss! Come solo or with a partner. Practice for labor, and learn all about birth, including how to awaken your birth instincts for a shorter, easier and more satisfying birth. Dancing For Birth™class is your total class for birth-readiness.
Erin McArthur, DFB
Erin McArthur, is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in St. Marys, Ontario, Canada
Every other Tuesday 7:30PM - 9:00PM (90 minutes) EST
Language: English
Format: Live on Zoom
Details and Registration: [email protected]
Contact Elizabeth: [email protected]
Learn to give birth with ease and bliss! Come solo or with a partner. Practice for labor, and learn all about birth, including how to awaken your birth instincts for a shorter, easier and more satisfying birth. Dancing For Birth™class is your total class for birth-readiness.

Shoroug Mohamed, DFB
Shoroug Mohamed, is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Virtual classes: Wednesdays and Sundays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (60 minutes)
Format: Microsoft Teams
Language: Arabic
Details and Registration: [email protected]
Contact Shoroug: Phone WhatsApp: 00971565105737
Learn to give birth with ease and bliss! Come solo or with a partner. Practice for labor, and learn all about birth, including how to awaken your birth instincts for a shorter, easier and more satisfying birth. Dancing For Birth™ class is your total class for birth-readiness.
Valerie Pedraza, DFB
Valerie Pedraza is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Houston, Texas, USA
Please Contact Valerie for class schedule.
Mondays 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM CST (60 minutes)
Language: English
Live on Zoom
Details and Registration:
Contact Valerie: 832-884-9067 Text
Dancing For Birth™ class is your ‘trifecta’ of birth preparation. It’s feel-good prenatal fitness, childbirth education, and celebration of pregnancy, birth, and parenting, all rolled into one amazing class that supports you from pre-conception through postpartum and beyond.

Abigail Price, DFB
Abigail Price, is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Taylors, South Carolina.
In-person classes: Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (90 minutes)
Class Location: 233 Saint Mark Road, Unit B, Taylors, SC, 29687
Virtual classes: Thursdays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (60 minutes)
Format: Zoom
Language: English
Details and Registration: 8649051334
Contact Abigail: 8649051334
You’re staying healthy for two now. Prenatal fitness is a big component of Dancing For Birth™ class. Healthy pregnant individuals need regular exercise during all three trimesters. Come get specialized prenatal fitness created by a birth professional, and prepare for an effective and empowered birth.
Nanda Santoro, DFB
Nanda Santoro is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Class Details:
Wednesdays starting Sept 07. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 9am - 11 am. (PT)
Location: Virtual
Format: Zoom
Details and Registration:
Contact: Nanda at 14035543712

Camille Siapno, DFB
Camille Siapno is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Spring, Texas, USA. Saturdays at 9:30am - 11:00 am. (CT)
Virtual Classes
Location: Virtual
Language: English & Tagalog
Format: via Zoom
Details and Registration: 641-220-6450 or [email protected]
Contact: Camille at 641-220-6450 or [email protected]
Learn to give birth with ease and bliss! Come solo or with a partner. Practice for labor, and learn all about birth, including how to awaken your birth instincts for a shorter, easier and more satisfying birth. Dancing For Birth™ class is your total class for birth-readiness.
Nikki Smith, DFB
Nikki Smith, DFB is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Miami Gardens, FL, USA.
Fridays and Saturdays, times available upon request (please email).
Language: English
Details and Registration:
[email protected]
Contact: Nikki at 954-559-3767
Dancing For Birth™ class nurtures your healthy pregnancy during all three trimesters as it enhances your emotional and physical wellbeing. Doctors and Midwives recommend at least 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity exercise. Move, laugh, relax and build confidence as you get all your pregnancy and birth questions answered.

Shannon Smith, DFB
Shannon Smith is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Coming Soon!
Contact Shannon: email [email protected]
Dancing For Birth™ class is your ‘trifecta’ of birth preparation. It’s feel-good prenatal fitness, childbirth education, and celebration of pregnancy, birth, and parenting, all rolled into one amazing class that supports you from pre-conception through postpartum and beyond.
Theresa Steinhuber, DFB
Mag.a Theresa Steinhuber, MSc ist zertifizierte Dancing For Birth™ Kursleiterin in Klagenfurt, Österreich.
Dienstags: 19:00-20:00 Uhr (60 Minuten)
Sprache: Deutsch
Details und Anmeldung:
Kontakt: +43(0)676/59 81 564 [email protected]
Haben Sie Angst vor den Wehen oder vor der Geburt? Im Dancing For Birth™-Kurs werden Ihre Ängste verschwinden und Sie gewinnen Vertrauen in Ihre Fähigkeit, zu gebären, und in Ihre Fähigkeit, die Geburt zu genießen. Sie lernen, wie Sie Ihren Körper bewegen können, um Ihr Baby auf seinem Weg zur Geburt zu unterstützen, und wie Sie Ihr Becken öffnen können, um die Geburt zu erleichtern. In einer kürzlich durchgeführten Umfrage gaben 98 % der Teilnehmer von Dancing For Birth™ an, dass der Kurs ihre Angst vor der Geburt verringert hat.

Leslie Switzer, DFB, DFBT
Leslie Switzer, DFB is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in St. Marys, Ontario, Canada
In-Person and Virtual
Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm EST for 90 mins
Location: Bare Roots Wellness for In-Person participants
Language: English
Format: In-Person and via Zoom
Details and Registration: [email protected]
Contact: Leslie at [email protected]
Dancing For Birth™ class is your ‘trifecta’ of birth preparation. It’s feel-good prenatal fitness, childbirth education, and celebration of pregnancy, birth, and parenting, all rolled into one amazing class that supports you from pre-conception through postpartum and beyond.
Stefanie Weinbrenner, DFB, DFBT
Stefanie Weinbrenner ist zertifizierte Dancing For Birth™ Instruktorin und Trainerin in Hannover, Niedersachsen DE.
Jeden zweiten Mittwoch 17:30 PM - 18:45 PM Uhr (75 Minuten) CET
Sprache: Deutsch
Format: Live über Zoom
Details und Anmeldung:
Kontakt Stefanie: [email protected]
Der Kurs Dancing For Birth™ fördert Ihre gesunde Schwangerschaft während aller drei Trimester und steigert Ihr emotionales und körperliches Wohlbefinden. Ärzte und Hebammen empfehlen mindestens 150 Minuten Bewegung pro Woche bei mittlerer Intensität. Bewegen Sie sich, lachen Sie, entspannen Sie sich und gewinnen Sie Selbstvertrauen, während Sie Antworten auf all Ihre Fragen zu Schwangerschaft und Geburt erhalten.

Elvira Zeba, DFB
Elvira Zeba is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday 6:00 am - 7:30 am (CET) beginning November 2021.
Language: English, Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian.
Format: Google Meeting Details and
Registration: Email [email protected]
Contant Elvira: [email protected]
Learn to give birth with ease and bliss! Come solo or with a partner. Practice for labor, and learn all about birth, including how to awaken your birth instincts for a shorter, easier and more satisfying birth. Dancing For Birth™class is your total class for birth-readiness.
Junko Ziemba, DFB
Junko Ziemba, DFB is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ Instructor in Torrance, California, US.
Virtual Classes
Saturday Morning, starting at 10:00 am
Language: English and Japanese
Format: via Zoom
Details and Registration:
Contact: Junko at [email protected]
In-Person Classes
Date & time range varies please contact Junko for more details.
Class Location: Various Wellness Spaces in South Bay
Language: English and Japanese
Details and Registration:
Contact: Junko at [email protected]
Dancing For Birth™ is changing the way people give birth worldwide with our evidence-based childbirth method based on gravity, movement and instinct. It’s scientifically proven to decrease labor pain, improve birth satisfaction and improve baby’s wellbeing at birth.

View our complete class
locator including in-person classes