Find a Dancing For Birth™ Class in Östergötland with a Certified Instructor
Classes in Östergötland:
Belén Martin, DFB
Belén Martin is a Certified Dancing For Birth™ instructor in Linköping, Sweden.
Saturdays at 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM GMT+1 ( 90 min duration)
Location: Elden Community/ Yogavana of Sweden. Nygatan 53
Language: English and Swedish
Details and Registration: +46707342496/ @doula.linkoping
Contact: Belén at +46707342496/ @doula.linkoping
Dancing For Birth™ class is your ‘trifecta’ of birth preparation. It’s feel-good prenatal fitness, childbirth education, and celebration of pregnancy, birth, and parenting, all rolled into one amazing class that supports you from pre-conception through postpartum and beyond.