Your baby is here!

Woohoo, your family has expanded! With a new baby comes new challenges and concerns. You wonder "Am I doing this right?" and "When will I feel like myself again?" From figuring out the ins and outs of caring for a baby 24/7, to making sure you and your baby are bonding, to trying to find some time for your own self-care, you're juggling a lot!   


Postpartum Joy not Blues 

You're not in this alone. Dancing For Birth™ class includes specialized postpartum fitness, newborn care education, and a welcoming community. Did you know dancing while wearing your baby helps develop their vestibular system, for balance, equilibrium, and coordination? Dance is also great for your physical and mental health and can even help heal postpartum blues and depression. Here you'll receive guidance on all your parenting questions such as feeding, sleeping, and soothing. You’ll love the sense of belonging that comes from being part of this circle, and creating lasting friendships.

Seven Essential Ways to

Bond with your Baby

“The women's circles,

the festive atmosphere, movement and support are what we lack so much

in the modern world!”



98% of parents who

attend Dancing For Birth™

class feel a strong bond 

with their baby

"It's been wonderful dancing with Rhys since he was born. He loves when we dance together and it calms him down really quickly." -Amanda

What's Dancing For Birth™ Class?

Dancing For Birth™ is the only class that provides all three essential aspects of healthy pregnancy and postpartum: Fitness, Education & Celebration. It'll quickly become the highlight of your week! Get fit with moves specifically designed for preconception, pregnancy and postpartum, while learning about and PRACTICING for labor, birth and baby care. 
You'll learn the Dancing For Birth™ birth method, including the KEYS to avoid labor pain and strain, and to ENJOY BIRTH. Increase your confidence for empowered, blissful birth and parenting. Awaken your own birth instincts. Decrease your risk of routine interventions such as induction, forceps, vacuum, episiotomy and cesarean birth. 
Come solo or bring your birth partner on Partner days so they can learn about birth and how to best support you. If your baby has a sibling we'll guide you on how to teach them about birth and the new baby! You can even learn how to involve your child so they can play an active role in the magic of their sibling’s birth. After your baby is born they are welcomed into the class. Check out what a typical Weekly Class includes.