Dancing For Birth™ Masterclass
Our Dancing For Birth™ Masterclass Series brings you powerful and engaging wisdom from global birth visionaries. Your host, Dancing For Birth™ founder Stephanie Larson, has dedicated 20+ years to bringing bliss to families all over the world through her fun and effective Dancing For Birth™ birth method and prenatal- postpartum class. Yes! Birth can be like this!
'Body, Bliss, and Ecstatic Birth'
with Guest Expert Sheila Kamara Hay Founder of Ecstatic Birth
Come and experience somatic practice as a gateway to potent birth empowerment and preparation. Featured Expert Sheila Kamara Hay reveals the power of pleasure as a holistic birthing tool and shares accessible practices to access deep nourishment, bliss and oxytocin flow in and out of the birthing room!
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Featured Expert -
Sheila Kamara Hay
Sheila Kamara Hay is a Yale and Columbia trained cultural sociologist, passionate about transforming the landscape of birth from pain to pleasure. For over 10 years, Sheila has been empowering birth practitioners and expectant moms to honor the design of the body and integrate PLEASURE into birth preparation and support.
The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training has certified visionary birth workers in over 18 countries to elevate their clients’ experiences in childbirth, bringing ease and oxytocin flow into the birthing field through their own bodies, while holding the highest vision for birth and humanity.
A leader in the global Ecstatic Birth movement, Sheila is a sought after speaker and devoted teacher, unveiling the ECSTASY available in each moment at the intersection of sensuality, life and birth.

Sheila Kamara Hay
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'Body, Bliss, and
Ecstatic Birth '
- With Featured Expert Sheila Kamara Hay
- The Power of Pleasure
- Holistic Birth Tools
- Practices to Access Deep Nourishment, Bliss and Oxytocin Flow
- 1 Contact Hour from Dancing For Birth™
- 60-minutes