Dancing For Birth™ Presents:Â
'The Complex Journey of Pregnancy after Perinatal Loss' Masterclass, with Guest Expert, Joann O’Leary, Author
When an unexpected outcome occurs, families are forever changed. In this very special Masterclass, Guest Expert, Author Joann O'Leary guides us on how to provide sensitive support that is both compassionate and informed.
Professionals working with childbearing families can play a key role in supporting and guiding families as they incorporate a deceased baby into their family and move into a new pregnancy.
This Masterclass is also for anyone who has experienced perinatal loss.
Featured Expert -Â Joann O'Leary
Joann has a PhD, MPH, MS, IMH-E® (IV) with a background in nursing as an LPN in NICU, as an infant teacher/parent-coordinator in a preschool special education birth to five program, followed by 18 years in clinical practice as a Parent-Infant Specialist in a High-Risk perinatal center where she worked individually with families.
She has facilitated pregnancy after loss support groups for over 35 years. She has published two books, Meeting the Needs of Parents Pregnant and Parenting after Perinatal Loss, and Different Baby; Different Story: Pregnancy and Parenting after Loss. Additionally, she has co-authored two book chapters and two video productions on the Pregnancy that follows loss. She was a 2016 Fulbright Specialist at University College Cork, Ireland in 2018 and is a consultant to Star Legacy Foundation.
Her research focus is how perinatal loss and the pregnancy that follows impact parents, children, adults who were the child born after loss and extended family members, and has spoken nationally and internationally on these topics.

Get the Masterclass
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ONLY: $49
'The Complex Journey of Pregnancy after Perinatal Loss'
- Gain an understanding of how the tasks of pregnancy are altered after perinatal loss
- Identify interventions during pregnancy that support parents' continued bond to the deceased baby while building an attachment to a new unborn baby
- Explore father/partner concerns in a pregnancy that follows loss
__________________ - Recorded Live
 - 1 Contact Hour from Dancing For Birth™
- Duration: Approximately 75 Minutes
Dancing For Birth™ Masterclass Series
Our Dancing For Birth™ Masterclass Series brings you powerful and engaging wisdom from global birth visionaries. Your host, Dancing For Birth™ founder Stephanie Larson, has dedicated 20+ years to bringing bliss to families all over the world through her fun and effective Dancing For Birth™ birth method, and prenatal/postpartum class. Yes! Birth can be like this!
Dancing For Birth™ is a world-renowned weekly parent class, for preconception through postpartum, taught by certified instructors on six continents. It's a fun and effective fusion of Prenatal Fitness, Childbirth Education, and Celebration. Use our evidence-based Dancing For Birth™ birth method to add bliss and ease to birth.